[Samba] Support for persistent handles

., Srikanth N S srikanth.nagasubbaraoseetharaman at hpe.com
Tue Jan 7 18:03:09 UTC 2025


This is regarding support for persistent handles (SMB2_DHANDLE_FLAG_PERSISTENT). We wanted SAMBA share to be continuously available and hence we have set “smb3 share cap:continuous availability = yes” in smb.conf. When we tested server or network failures we are seeing that the IO gets terminated during network or server failures. We are using Samba 4.20 version

We observed that the SMB client is setting SMB2_DHANDLE_FLAG_PERSISTENT as part of SMB2_CREATE_DURABLE_HANDLE_REQUEST but Samba server is not setting this flag as part of SMB2_CREATE_DURABLE_HANDLE_RESPONSE.

We are thinking that not setting persistent flag in SMB2_CREATE_DURABLE_HANDLE_RESPONSE by Samba server could be the reason for IO failure.

Could you please let us know if it is a known issue or do we need any additional configuration to be done in smb.conf?

Thanks & Regards,
Srikanth NS

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