[Samba] net offline domain join

Stefan Kania stefan at kania-online.de
Sat Jan 4 17:59:12 UTC 2025


I try to user the offline domain join. As the manpage of net told me in 
an example I tried it with:

root at cluster01:~#  net offlinejoin provision -U administrator 
domain=example.net machine_name=WINCLIENT11a dcname=dc01 

But all I got was:

ads_print_error: AD LDAP ERROR: 19 (Constraint violation): 0000202F: 
samldb: spn[HOST/cluster.example.net] would cause a conflict
Failed to provision computer account: Invalid configuration ("netbios 
name" set to 'CLUSTER', should be 'WINCLIENT11a') and configuration 
modification was not requested

can someone give me a tip how to use the offliendomain join

Domain= example
DNS-domain = example.net
Domaincontrolle = dc01
new-client-to-join= win11a
savefile = win11a.txt

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