[Samba] [wsdd] Resolution takes several seconds

Gilles codecomplete at free.fr
Sat Oct 19 09:33:58 UTC 2024

Indeed, I've been running that appliance for years with no problem, 
starting with Debian 9. It uses DHCP to get an IP from the DHCP server 
running on my ADSL modem.

If someone wants to experiment… do you also witness a ~10 second delay 
after typing the command using the following smb.conf? Could it be due 
to Samba using the "map to guest = Bad User" open to let any user access 
the shares without a Samba account — it's just a home private network 
with me as the only user so I don't bother?

smbclient -N -L localhost
workgroup = WORKGROUP
netbios name = TEST

security = user
;added, but makes no difference
server role = standalone server

map to guest = Bad User
;map to guest = Bad Password
;www-data used by Nginx
guest account = www-data

;max is 10; 3 is pretty good
log level = 6

disable netbios = yes
client min protocol = SMB2_02
server min protocol = SMB2_02
smb ports = 445

;this avoids needless errors in the logs if you have no printer
printcap name = /dev/null
load printers = no
printing = bsd

path = /tmp
;comment = No need for Unix/Samba passwords
guest ok = yes
force create mode = 0644
create mask = 0664

On 19/10/2024 09:56, Rowland Penny via samba wrote:
> On Sat, 19 Oct 2024 09:49:03 +0200
> Peter Milesson via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
> The dhclient fulfills no function on your server, as you have got a
> fixed IP address. It does not provide services to other computers in
> the network either.  IMHO, it may even confuse wsdd (just a hunch).
> Provided that the fixed IP has been set correctly, then I doubt that
> dhclient has anything to do with the OPs problem.
>> About winbind, there are other on the list who could answer that
>> question with more certainty. You could always try to shut down
>> winbind.
> The OP is running Samba as a standalone server, you do not run winbind
> on a standalone server.

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