[Samba] Status app for mobile

Ingo Asche foren at asche-rz.de
Wed Nov 6 11:53:26 UTC 2024

Hi Anders,

do you by any chance monitoring your VMs by SNMP, too?

Then you can add "proc samba" to your snmpd.conf on your servers. That 
at least show you if the samba service is running. On my DCs I did the 
same with the DNS service (proc named), so the both major servives of a 
DC are monitored.


Anders Östling via samba schrieb am 06.11.2024 um 04:25:
> Is there an app in existence that can view status of an samba server (and
> it's shares)? I am running my samba servers as vm's inside proxmox pve, and
> the official PVE app is great, but it only shows the vm's itself, not the
> more important information as the running services inside the vm.
> Android or iPhone.

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