[Samba] Samba 4.16 sends files in bursts.

Selahattin CILEK selahattin_cilek at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 2 07:49:13 UTC 2024

I am running *Samba 4.16.11_5* on F*reeBSD 14.1-RELEASE*.

This is my Samba config file:

     workgroup = WORKGROUP
     server string = SafeNAS
     log file = /var/log/samba.log
     max log size = 10240
     bind interfaces only = true
     interfaces =
     disable netbios = yes
     directory name cache size = 0
     aio write size = 0
     load printers = no
     printing = bsd
     printcap name = /dev/null
     veto files = /Thumbs.db/.DS_Store/._.DS_Store/.apdisk/
     delete veto files = yes
     enable core files = no
     multicast dns register = no

And this is my /etc/sysctl.conf file:

|vfs.zfs.min_auto_ashift=12 net.inet.tcp.recvspace=131072 

When I try to copy a 1.74GB MP4 file to a Windows 11 client, it starts 
at full speed at first (ie 970Mbps), and when it hits about 60%, the 
speed drops to 0 for about 15 seconds, and then continues at full speed 
until the operation is complete.

How can I fix this?

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