[Samba] Accessing guest Samba shares from Windows 10/11 without hacks

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Thu May 30 12:23:11 UTC 2024

On Thu, 30 May 2024 11:47:50 +0000
Jones Syue 薛懷宗 via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:

> > Is there a simple SoHo samba configuration that works for W10/W11
> > clients? I don't want to use Samba as a DC or anything like that.
> > So, are there any Samba options that can be used with vanilla
> > W10/W11 enterprise installations without altering group/local
> > security policies?
> Yesterday a link mentioned that Windows changed 'vanilla' flavor, it
> introduces two new security measures in order for protection, turn-on
> sign & turn-off guest access:
> Accessing a third-party NAS with SMB in Windows 11 24H2 may fail
> https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/storage-at-microsoft/accessing-a-third-party-nas-with-smb-in-windows-11-24h2-may-fail/ba-p/4154300
> The protection policy disable guest access for enterprise/pro/edu
> editions, though not sure whether home edition does so too, it looks
> like upcoming Windows release would tend to follow this protection
> policy, so revert new protection like turn-off sign & turn-on guest
> might not recommended.
> Fortunately this link did mention there is an alternate: to replace
> guest access with an authentication by a username/password pair
> (should be a strong password instead of week password). And the
> simplest steps might be:
> 1. PC > Start button > Run > Enter 'cmd' to launch 'Command Prompt'.
> 2. Input command 'whoami' in the command line. And it would output a
> string like 'computername\username', this should be the same as the
> credential we just enter while we login Windows Desktop, for example
> in my case its output is 'jones-ws22-62\jones', and 'jones' is my PC
> usernane. 3. Go to samba server, create a new samba account which is
> the same as PC username, in my case it is 'jones'. Also revise
> smb.conf to allow this account access samba server.

Or to put it another way, stop setting up Samba with guest access and
use Samba users with passwords, you could even use 'vfs objects =
acl_xattr' and set finer controls over the permissions.


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