[Samba] Security Implications of "ldap server require strong auth"?

Christian Naumer christian.naumer at greyfish.net
Tue May 28 05:51:06 UTC 2024

Am 28.05.24 um 07:34 schrieb Bestattungen Vitt - Thomas Reitelbach via 
> Christian Naumer said, I can get Nextcloud to work without this insecure 
> parameter - I'll have to figure out how I could acceppt a self-signed 
> certificate on the side of apache2/php-ldap module.

I checked our installation and found this in the Nextcloud Doku 

Turn off SSL certificate validation:

     Turns off SSL certificate checking. Use it for testing only! Note: 
The effect of this setting depends on the PHP system configuration. It 
does for example not work with the [official Nextcloud container 
image](https://github.com/nextcloud/docker). To disable certificate 
verification for a particular use, append the following configuration 
line to your /etc/ldap/ldap.conf:




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