[Samba] Samba suddenly acting strangely

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Sat May 25 08:20:58 UTC 2024

On Fri, 24 May 2024 23:38:03 +0200
Andrea Venturoli via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:

> On 5/23/24 22:58, Andrew Bartlett wrote:
> > Can you post your smb.conf.
> Actually no, as I don't have *one* smb.conf.
> I'll add three of them (the last three were I had this problem) at
> the end of this email.
> As you can see they are not exactly identical.
> > Have you used any of our fallback VFS modules instead of xattrs?
> I'd say not, but see the smb.confs.
> > (This would seem not to be the case if you have DOSATTR xattrs,
> One thing makes me wonder: at least in some setups, I have store "dos 
> attributes=no"; still I get them.
> > but I still mention this if only for the benefit of future readers,
> > as those are dev/inode based and reuse caused nightmares in our
> > testsuites).
> Not following you here... too much ignorance on my part :(
> > Can you get a gdb backtrace of the hanging smbd?
> I'll try next time it happens (if it happens, as it did only once).
> How do I know which process I shoudl attach to, however?
> > I would install gdb and the debug symbol package for your Samba in
> > the servers, and practice getting a gdb backtrace before the next
> > failure.
> On my way to rebuilding Samba with debug info.
> Thanks for the suggestion.
>   bye & Thanks
> 	av.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [global]
>          max log size=0
>          vfs objects=full_audit shadow_copy2
>          audit:facility=LOCAL7
>          audit:priority=INFO
>          full_audit:success=all !closedir !connectpath !fdopendir 
> !openat !readdir !realpath !stat
>          full_audit:failure=all !get_real_filename !stat
> !translate_name full_audit:facility=LOCAL7
>          full_audit:priority=INFO
>          full_audit: prefix = IP=%I | USER=%u | MACHINE=%m | VOLUME=%S
>          shadow:sort = desc
>          shadow:format=-%Y%m%d%H%M%S
>          shadow:delimiter=-
>          shadow:snapprefix=auto_zroot
>          shadow:localtime=yes
>          shadow:snapdir=.zfs/snapshot
>          netbios name=FS1
>          security=ADS
>          workgroup=XXXXX
>          realm=xxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xx
>          winbind refresh tickets = yes
>          winbind use default domain = yes
>          idmap config *:backend = tdb
>          idmap config *:range = 100000-999999
>          idmap config XXXXX:backend = ad
>          idmap config XXXXX:range = 500-99999
>          idmap config XXXXX:schema_mode = rfc2307
>          idmap config XXXXX:unix_nss_info = yes
>          interfaces=vlan1 10.x.x.48/24, vlan2 192.168.xxx.48/24
>          hosts allow = 127. 10.x.x. 192.168.xxx.
>          hide dot files=no
>          admin users=xxxxxxxxxxx
>          unix extensions=no
>          mangled names=no
>          bind interfaces only=yes
> [homes]
>          acl allow execute always=yes
>          store dos attributes=no
>          read only = No
>          force create mode=0400
>          create mask=0600
>          force directory mode=0700
>          directory mask=0700
>          csc policy=disable
>          delete readonly=yes
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [global]
>          max log size=0
>          vfs objects=full_audit shadow_copy2
>          audit:facility=LOCAL7
>          audit:priority=INFO
>          full_audit:success=all !closedir !connectpath !fdopendir 
> !openat !readdir !realpath !stat
>          full_audit:failure=all !get_real_filename !stat
> !translate_name full_audit:facility=LOCAL7
>          full_audit:priority=INFO
>          full_audit: prefix = IP=%I | USER=%u | MACHINE=%m | VOLUME=%S
>          shadow:sort = desc
>          shadow:format=-%Y%m%d%H%M%S
>          shadow:delimiter=-
>          shadow:snapprefix=auto_zroot
>          shadow:localtime=yes
>          shadow:snapdir=.zfs/snapshot
>    interfaces=vlan1 192.168.yyy.4
>    bind interfaces only=yes
>    security=ADS
>    workgroup=YY
>    idmap config *:backend=tdb
>    idmap config *:range=3000-7999
>    idmap config YY:backend=ad
>    idmap config YY:range=10000-999999
>    idmap config YY:schema_mode=rfc2307
>    idmap config YY:unix_nss_info=no
>    template shell=/sbin/nologin
>    template homedir=/usr/home/%U
>    winbind refresh tickets = yes
>    winbind use default domain = yes
> [homes]
>    read only = No
>    force create mode = 0600
>    force directory mode = 0700
>    path=/usr/home/%S
>    force create mode=600
>    force directory mode=700
>    create mask=600
>    directory mask=600
> [yyyyyyyyy]
>    path=/shares/yyyyyyyyy
>    public=no
>    browseable=yes
>    writeable=yes
>    follow symlinks=yes
>    force create mode=660
>    force directory mode=770
>    create mask=660
>    directory mask=770
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [global]
>          bind interfaces only = Yes
>          interfaces = vlan1 192.168.zzz.0/24
>          log level = 1
>          netbios name = FS
>          security = ADS
>          server role = member server
>          winbind expand groups = 1
>          winbind nss info = rfc2307
>          winbind refresh tickets = Yes
>          winbind use default domain = Yes
>          workgroup = ZZZZZZ
>          audit:facility = LOCAL7
>          audit:priority = INFO
>          full_audit:success = all !closedir !connectpath !fdopendir 
> !openat !readdir !realpath !stat
>          full_audit:failure = all !get_real_filename !stat
> !translate_name full_audit:facility = LOCAL7
>          full_audit:priority = INFO
>          full_audit: prefix = IP=%I | USER=%u | MACHINE=%m | VOLUME=%S
>          shadow:sort = desc
>          shadow:format = -%Y%m%d%H%M%S
>          shadow:delimiter = -
>          shadow:snapprefix = auto_zroot
>          shadow:localtime = yes
>          shadow:snapdir = .zfs/snapshot
>          idmap config *:backend = tdb
>          idmap config *:range = 100000-999999
>          idmap config zzzzzz:backend = ad
>          idmap config zzzzzz:range = 500-99999
>          idmap config zzzzzz:schema_mode = rfc2307
>          idmap config zzzzzz:unix_nss_info = yes
>          hosts allow = 192.168.zzz. 10.z.z.40 10.z.zz. 10.z.z.
>          netbios name=FS
>          log level=1
>          map archive=no
>          store dos attributes=no
>          vfs objects = full_audit shadow_copy2
> [homes]
>          read only=No
>          force create mode=0600
>          create mask=0600
>          force directory mode=0700
>          directory mask=0700
>          csc policy=disable
> [zzzzzzzz]
>          path=/shares/zzzzzzzz
>          force create mode=0660
>          create mask=0660
>          force directory mode=0770
>          directory mask=0770
>          public=no
>          writeable=yes
>          force group=+utenti
>          valid users=@utenti
>          browseable=yes
>          follow symlinks=no
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

There doesn't seem to be anything really wrong with your smb.conf
files, but it does seem that not only are you having problems with
different Samba fileservers, you are also having problems with
different domains.

After thinking about this (and no one else seems to be having your
problem), I am now wondering if it is some interaction between Freebsd
and Samba. Could you replace (temporarily) one of your fileservers with
one running on Debian 12 with Samba from backports, if the problem
persists, it is a Samba problem and Samba should be able to fix it. If
the problem goes away, then it is unlikely to be a Samba problem and
more likely something to do with something that is used to compile
Samba on Freebsd.


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