[Samba] Daemon "started" messages

Andrea Venturoli ml at netfence.it
Fri May 17 07:34:25 UTC 2024


I'm gradually replacing my 4.17 installations with 4.19 (on FreeBSD).
As soon as I do this, I'm starting to see gobs of messages in the log 
like the followings:

rpcd_lsad[54129]:   rpcd_lsad version 4.19.5 started.
samba-dcerpcd[14381]:   samba-dcerpcd version 4.19.5 started.

I actually experience no troubles (so far) and there are no error 
messages actually, but is this something to worry about?

Does the above means some process died and it was restarted or is it normal?

  bye & Thanks

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