[Samba] Group Membership Retrieval not using kerberos authentication

Kees van Vloten keesvanvloten at gmail.com
Thu May 2 09:56:35 UTC 2024

Op 02-05-2024 om 10:39 schreef Oscar Alonso | MailTecK via samba:
> Hello,
> I have an Active Directory domain to which a Linux machine with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is joined using Winbind. The version of Winbind is 4.15.13.
> On this machine, users authenticate via SSH using PAM (pam_winbind), and I need to know their group membership.
> NSS is configured for this purpose.
> When users authenticate via username and password, there's no issue retrieving the list of groups because they are obtained through the PAC of the Kerberos ticket.
> However, when users authenticate via SSH public key, since there's no Kerberos authentication, I'm unable to retrieve the user's group list.

This is done by nss_winbind.

Did you install it and configure it in /etc/samba/smb.conf and add it to 

You should be able to do:  id <some-user> and see all groups of the user
> Previously, Winbind could accomplish this through an LDAP query using the server's machine account, but it seems that functionality has been removed.
>  From what I've read in some technical presentations about Samba, the correct approach is to do this using S4U2Self, so that the machine or service obtains a Kerberos ticket on behalf of the user to retrieve the list of groups to which the user belongs.
> I'm unaware if this functionality is fully developed and if so, from which version of Samba. If it is, I would be very grateful if someone could assist me in configuring it, as I am unable to find documentation on the subject.
> I should also add that the machine has a two-way trust relationship between 2 forests, allowing users from 2 different domains to authenticate. I'm not sure if this impacts the configuration in any way.
> Please, if anyone can assist me, I would be very grateful.
> Best regards,
> Óscar Alonso
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