[Samba] named wont start

Peter Carlson peter at howudodat.com
Thu May 2 01:01:48 UTC 2024

On 5/1/24 17:51, Peter Carlson via samba wrote:
> On 5/1/24 17:32, Peter Carlson via samba wrote:
>>>>>> In an ideal world, the Samba dns server (be it the internal or
>>>>>> Bind9) should just be responsible for the AD domain and forward
>>>>>> anything unknown to another dns server (which is how dns servers
>>>>>> generally work).
>> ok, so I spun up another server and split dns out. I ran:
>>    systemctl stop named
>>    systemctl disable named
>>    samba_upgradedns --dns-backend=SAMBA_INTERNAL
>>    systemctl restart samba-ad-dc.service
>> nothing responds on port 53 for dns :(
>> Peter
> oops I forgot to add "dns" to server services in smb.conf

ok, but I am not getting resolution of the default records

root at nc1:/etc/samba# host -t SRV _ldap._tcp.san***ent.local.
Host _ldap._tcp.san***ent.local. not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
root at nc1:/etc/samba# host -t SRV _ldap._tcp.san***ent.local
Host _ldap._tcp.san***ent.local not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

root at nc1:/etc/samba# samba-tool dns zonelist -U peter
   2 zone(s) found

   pszZoneName                 : san***ent.local
   Flags                       : DNS_RPC_ZONE_DSINTEGRATED 
   ZoneType                    : DNS_ZONE_TYPE_PRIMARY
   Version                     : 50
   dwDpFlags                   : DNS_DP_AUTOCREATED 
   pszDpFqdn                   : DomainDnsZones.san***ent.local

   pszZoneName                 : _msdcs.san***ent.local
   Flags                       : DNS_RPC_ZONE_DSINTEGRATED 
   ZoneType                    : DNS_ZONE_TYPE_PRIMARY
   Version                     : 50
   dwDpFlags                   : DNS_DP_AUTOCREATED 
   pszDpFqdn                   : ForestDnsZones.san***ent.local

root at nc1:/etc/samba# samba-tool dns zoneinfo san***ent.local 
-U peter
   pszZoneName                 : san***ent.local
   dwZoneType                  : DNS_ZONE_TYPE_PRIMARY
   fReverse                    : FALSE
   fAllowUpdate                : DNS_ZONE_UPDATE_SECURE
   fPaused                     : FALSE
   fShutdown                   : FALSE
   fAutoCreated                : FALSE
   fUseDatabase                : TRUE
   pszDataFile                 : None
   aipMasters                  : []
   fSecureSecondaries          : DNS_ZONE_SECSECURE_NO_XFER
   fNotifyLevel                : DNS_ZONE_NOTIFY_LIST_ONLY
   aipSecondaries              : []
   aipNotify                   : []
   fUseWins                    : FALSE
   fUseNbstat                  : FALSE
   fAging                      : FALSE
   dwNoRefreshInterval         : 168
   dwRefreshInterval           : 168
   dwAvailForScavengeTime      : 0
   aipScavengeServers          : []
   dwRpcStructureVersion       : 0x2
   dwForwarderTimeout          : 0
   fForwarderSlave             : 0
   aipLocalMasters             : []
   dwDpFlags                   : DNS_DP_AUTOCREATED 
   pszDpFqdn                   : DomainDnsZones.san***ent.local
   pwszZoneDn                  : 
   dwLastSuccessfulSoaCheck    : 0
   dwLastSuccessfulXfr         : 0
   fQueuedForBackgroundLoad    : FALSE
   fBackgroundLoadInProgress   : FALSE
   fReadOnlyZone               : FALSE
   dwLastXfrAttempt            : 0
   dwLastXfrResult             : 0
root at nc1:/etc/samba#

root at nc1:/etc/samba# cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Samba server IP address

# fallback resolver

# main domain for Samba
search san***ent.local

root at nc1:/etc/samba# cat smb.conf
# Global parameters
     netbios name = NC1
     realm = SAN***ENT.LOCAL
     server role = active directory domain controller
     server services = s3fs, rpc, nbt, wrepl, ldap, cldap, kdc, drepl, 
winbindd, ntp_signd, kcc, dns, dnsupdate
     workgroup = SDCP
     idmap_ldb:use rfc2307 = yes
     ldap server require strong auth = no

     tls enabled  = yes
     tls keyfile  = tls/myKey.pem
     tls certfile = tls/myCert.pem
#    tls cafile   = tls/myIntermediate .pem  # if not required, set empty

     path = /var/lib/samba/sysvol
     read only = No

     path = /var/lib/samba/sysvol/san***ent.local/scripts
     read only = No

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