[Samba] Samba 4.16 and above taking time, ~5min, to associate with printers and printer drivers

Pawan Chawla Pawan.Chawla at fiery.com
Mon Jun 24 11:44:37 UTC 2024

Hello Samba Team,

  *   When I use Samba 4.16 and above any version it takes ~5 minutes to associate printers with the printer driver. Meaning, when we do
 ./rpcclient localhost -  ######  -c 'enumprinters'

It does not show the driver name associated with the printer. Check attached, not_working.png

  *   To make it work what I am doing is executing "./rpcclient -U #### -c 'setdriver' printer_name driver_name" for ~5 min continuously then only it shows the driver name associated with the printer. Check attached, expected_result.png

  *   I have even tried the below suggestion 'Tuning rpcd-spoolss', but it is not working.

                rpcd_spoolss:num_workers = 10

  *   Here is the smb.conf content:

#       log file = /scsi0/net/samba/log.%m
#       log level = 0
        workgroup = WORKGROUP
        netbios name = Phantom-6EA8
        server string =
        unix extensions = no
        max print jobs = 10000
        printcap name = /dev/null
        lpq cache time = 0
        client max protocol = SMB3_11
        server min protocol = SMB2
        default devmode = no
        include = /var/lib/samba/dhcp.conf
        name resolve order = host wins lmhosts bcast
        admin users = smbadmin
        os level = 0
        domain master = no
        local master = no
        preferred master = no
        security = user
        bind interfaces only = no
        #interfaces = eth0
        server signing = mandatory
        rpcd_spoolss:num_workers = 10
        map to guest = Bad User
        username map = /scsi0/net/samba/private/users.map

Concern: ~5 mins delay is not what we want, can I get a workaround for this?


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