[Samba] Error when raising Samba 4.19 Functional Level

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Sat Jun 22 07:27:43 UTC 2024

On Fri, 21 Jun 2024 15:20:59 -0300
Felipe Ribeiro de Oliveira via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:

> Hi, I raised the functional level of my Samba 4.19 server with the
> commands below, the Schema update took a long time but ended
> successfully, however when raising the functional level with the
> second command the error below occurred and I was unable to complete
> the complete process. Can anyone tell me what could have happened or
> if they have experienced this?
> 1 - samba-tool domain schemaupgrade --schema=2019
> 2 - samba-tool domain functionalprep --function-level=2016
> 3 - samba-tool domain level raise --domain-level=2016
> --forest-level=2016
> Error:
> Exception: (1, 'descriptor_modify on
> Transaction has too many dirty pages - transaction too big at ../
> ../lib/ldb/ldb_mdb/ldb_mdb.c:203') cancel called but no ldb
> transactions are active! ERROR(ldb): uncaught exception -
> descriptor_modify on CN=XXXX,CN=XXXX,DC=XX,DC=XXXX,DC=XX failed:
> (-30788) - MDB_TXN_FULL: Transaction has too many dirty pages -
> transaction too big at . ./../lib/ldb/ldb_mdb/ldb_mdb.c:203
> File
> "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/sernet/samba/netcmd/__init__.py",
> line 279, in _run return self. run(*args, **kwargs)
> File
> "/usr/lib64/python3.6/site-packages/sernet/samba/netcmd/domain/functional_prep.py",
> line 137, in run
> samdb.transaction_cancel()
> *O DC And CN I put X just to not expose the company I work for.
> Felipe Ribeiro de Oliveira
> feliperibeiro.ti at gmail.com

I suggest you open a Samba bug report about this, your error appears to
be coming from the lmdb code.

Also, if you are going to sanitise something, please do it in a way
that that makes it obvious what the object is, your way is meaningless,
it could be a user, group, computer, anything.


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