[Samba] vfs_snapper

Stefan G. Weichinger lists at xunil.at
Wed Jun 19 12:21:14 UTC 2024

Am 19.06.24 um 12:46 schrieb Stefan G. Weichinger via samba:
> Am 19.06.24 um 12:36 schrieb Rowland Penny via samba:
>>> ALLOW_GROUPS="domain\ admins"
>>                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>                 Where are you getting this from ?
> :-)
>> If I run this in a terminal:
>> ALLOW_GROUPS="domain\ admins" ; echo "$ALLOW_GROUPS"
>> I get this:
>> domain\ admins
>> Note that the '\' has become part of the group name.
>> Now this may be correct, I do not use vfs_snapper, but a quick glance
>> at snappers documentation shows this:
>> ALLOW_GROUPS=groups
>> The group-names must be separated by spaces. Spaces in group-names can
>> be escaped with a "\".
>> To myself, this reads as you should be using:
>> ALLOW_GROUPS=domain\ admins
> You're right, I also already adjusted this ... you mentioned it last time.
> Unsure if these snapper-setting actually are applied correctly, as 
> mentioned.
> I will get access to a test PC there in the next hour or so, then I can 
> continue debugging this setup.

opened a ticket at https://github.com/openSUSE/snapper/issues/917 as well

started from scratch with the snapshots etc

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