[Samba] SeDiskOperatorPrivilege_Privilege

Jeremy Allison jra at samba.org
Tue Jun 11 16:08:54 UTC 2024

On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 05:04:11PM +0100, Rowland Penny wrote:
>On Tue, 11 Jun 2024 15:52:45 +0100
>Luis Peromarta via samba <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
>> Again, my exact same experience.
>> LP
>> On Jun 11, 2024 at 14:58 +0100, Bailey Allison via samba
>> <samba at lists.samba.org>, wrote:
>> > Hey Rowland,
>> >
>> > Just wanted to say you are 100% correct, and it does (seemingly)
>> > nothing, at least within the context of setting Windows ACLs. I
>> > believe I have made a post on here a while ago with the same
>> > observation, I will see if I can find it.
>> >
>> > For configuring of Windows ACLs, the only thing it initially cares
>> > about is the owner user or owner group on the directory you are
>> > sharing out. If you are either the user, or a member of the group
>> > you can then modify the ACLs, if you are not then you can't modify
>> > the ACLs.
>> >
>> > Regards,
>> >
>> >
>OK, there seems to be consensus on this, 'SeDiskOperatorPrivilege' no
>longer seems to do anything.
>So, Jeremy do you know how it is/was supposed to work ? I would ask the
>guy who appears to have added it, but Elvis has left the building ;-)

"git grep SeDiskOperatorPrivilege" gives:

docs-xml/smbdotconf/misc/addsharecommand.xml:   <literal>SeDiskOperatorPrivilege</literal>.
docs-xml/smbdotconf/misc/changesharecommand.xml:        <literal>SeDiskOperatorPrivilege</literal>.
docs-xml/smbdotconf/misc/deletesharecommand.xml:        <literal>SeDiskOperatorPrivilege</literal>.

libgpo/admx/en-US/samba.adml: In order to successfully execute the add share command, smbd requires that the administrator connects using a root account (i.e. uid == 0) or has the SeDiskOperatorPrivilege. Scripts defined in the add share command parameter are executed as root.
libgpo/admx/en-US/samba.adml: In order to successfully execute the change share command, smbd requires that the administrator connects using a root account (i.e. uid == 0) or has the SeDiskOperatorPrivilege. Scripts defined in the change share command parameter are executed as root.
libgpo/admx/en-US/samba.adml: In order to successfully execute the delete share command, smbd requires that the administrator connects using a root account (i.e. uid == 0) or has the SeDiskOperatorPrivilege. Scripts defined in the delete share command parameter are executed as root.

Looks like it is still checked (in master) in:


         is_disk_op = security_token_has_privilege(
                 session_info->security_token, SEC_PRIV_DISK_OPERATOR);

         /* fail out now if you are not root and not a disk op */

         if (session_info->unix_token->uid != sec_initial_uid() && !is_disk_op) {
                 DEBUG(2,("_srvsvc_NetShareSetInfo: uid %u doesn't have the "
                         "SeDiskOperatorPrivilege privilege needed to modify "
                         "share %s\n",
                         (unsigned int)session_info->unix_token->uid,
                         share_name ));
                 return WERR_ACCESS_DENIED;

So it looks like it's still checked if you're trying to modify
share definitions via RPC (at least in the old S3 rpc server).


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