[Samba] Member server: Failed to join domain: failed to find DC for

Luis Peromarta lperoma at icloud.com
Sat Jun 8 17:07:55 UTC 2024

On Jun 8, 2024 at 17:56 +0100, samba at lists.samba.org <samba at lists.samba.org>, wrote:
> I have never run those commands like that, I normally run 'net ads join
> -Uadministrator' or 'net ads leave -Uadministrator', I have never
> specified the domain.

I did specify domain out of frustration I think. More test as per your inputs: (net ads join fails)

root at member:~# net ads join domain -Uadministrator
Password for [MAD\administrator]:
Failed to join domain: failed to find DC for domain domain - A domain controller for this domain was not found.

root at member:~# samba-tool domain join mad.mater.int MEMBER -Uadministrator
WARNING: Using passwords on command line is insecure. Installing the setproctitle python module will hide these from shortly after program start.
Password for [MAD\administrator]:
DNS Update for member.mad.mater.int failed: ERROR_DNS_UPDATE_FAILED
Joined domain mad.mater.int (S-1-5-21-2152908145-95474353-1514027631)

I leave domain again and then: (don’t specify MEMBER seems to work)

root at member:~# samba-tool domain join mad.mater.int -Uadministrator
WARNING: Using passwords on command line is insecure. Installing the setproctitle python module will hide these from shortly after program start.
Password for [MAD\administrator]:
DNS Update for member.mad.mater.int failed: ERROR_DNS_UPDATE_FAILED
Joined domain mad.mater.int (S-1-5-21-2152908145-95474353-1514027631)

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