[Samba] 4.20: case (in)sensitive is broken

Michael Tokarev mjt at tls.msk.ru
Fri Jun 7 09:10:51 UTC 2024

07.06.2024 12:02, Ralph Boehme wrote:
> On 6/7/24 9:34 AM, Michael Tokarev via samba wrote:
>> I had to downgrade samba from 4.20.1 to 4.19.6 because 4.20
>> broke case insensitive file access entirely.  Only exact case
>> filename works, no matter which value is set in "case sensitive"
>> parameter.
> hm, can't reproduce:
> $ bin/smbclient -U "slow%x" //localhost/test
> smb: \> ls foo
>    foo            N     8192  Thu Jun  6 15:57:57 2024
> smb: \> open FOO
> open file \FOO: for read/write fnum 1

Yup.  I also can't reproduce it on a test system, it works just fine here.
However, on our prod system it didn't work.  It had no `case sensitive'
parameter set (default to Auto), and changing it to auto/no didn't fix
that.  Since it broke just too much stuff, I had to downgrade to a
previous version (4.19).  Only after that I started debugging.

So far I can't say what happened and where it failed.  All shares behaved
in a way as if `case sensitive` were set to Yes.

(yes, I did a restart and relogin after each change).

There's something which is broken. I'm trying to find out what it is.
Ditto for msdfs symlinks.



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