[Samba] Error -36 for moving a file if another mac has the same folder open

Matthias Kühne | Ellerhold Aktiengesellschaft matthias.kuehne at ellerhold.de
Mon Jul 29 13:32:27 UTC 2024

Hello lovely samba-people,

Ive got a Mac OS specific problem... Lets say you have two Macs both 
opening the same folder on the same share.

Using one Mac: move a file into this folder - works. Its shown on both 
Macs in their finder window.

Now try to move the file into another folder. You'll get error -36 
"Finder could not complete this operation because some data in 
‘test.pdf’ could not be read or written." (Translated error message from 
german). Click OK on the error message and try again: Now you can move 
the file without an error.

If the 2nd Mac closes the folders in finder, you can move the file 
freely without any error.

Disabling "level2 oplocks" on the share fixes the error too, but 
decrease the perfomance massively.

In this test both Macs had the latest version (14.5) installed and the 
latest Samba version was installed on Debian Bookworm 

Without a second mac, the problem vanishes. Windows can transfer files 
without errors if a mac has the folder open. The mac wont update their 
view though...

An old Mac (10.13) has no problems too...

Does anybody have an idea what I can instead of disabling level2 oplocks 
again or telling my colleagues to switch to windows?

Regards, Matthias.

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