[Samba] dbcheck gets uncaught exception

Heiko Robert heiko.samba.info at ecm4u.de
Wed Jul 17 19:46:35 UTC 2024

>> The only additional output I get from running with debug
>> samba-tool dbcheck --cross-ncs --fix -d 10
>> is
>> ndr_pull_dom_sid: ndr_pull_error(Range Error): value out of range at 
>> ../../librpc/ndr/ndr_sec_helper.c:329

OK I think I'm at least a small step further.

I realized that tdbbackup failed on 

trying to restore a tdbdump failed due to a duplicate key error. I 
removed that dup key row and finally was able to tdbrestore and then 
tdbbackup all databases.

I created an domain offline backup via samba-tool and restored the 
domain to a new system.

Trying to join a dc the restored domain now fails with

DSDB Transaction [rollback] at [Wed, 17 Jul 2024 19:14:50.831149 UTC] 
duration [21734458]
{"timestamp": "2024-07-17T19:14:50.831313+0000", "type": 
"dsdbTransaction", "dsdbTransaction": {"version": {"major": 1, "minor": 
0}, "action": "rollback", "transactionId": 
"cc9ca6f6-d507-42bb-bd21-b8b24ac4c3e2", "duration": 21734458}}
Join failed - cleaning up
ldb_wrap open of secrets.ldb
Could not find machine account in secrets database: Failed to fetch 
machine account password for COMPANY from both secrets.ldb (Could not 
find entry to match filter: 
'(&(flatname=COMPANY)(objectclass=primaryDomain))' base: 'cn=Primary 
Domains': No such object: dsdb_search at 
source4/dsdb/common/util.c:5435) and from 
/var/lib/samba/private/secrets.tdb: NT_STATUS_CANT_ACCESS_DOMAIN_INFO

dumping the secrets.tdp I can find

any hint is highly welcome

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