[Samba] btrfs and quotas: best practice?

Stefan G. Weichinger lists at xunil.at
Mon Jul 15 08:57:35 UTC 2024

Am 15.07.24 um 07:46 schrieb Stefan G. Weichinger via samba:
> Am 11.07.24 um 12:47 schrieb Rowland Penny via samba:
>> Hi Stefan, I do not use use btrfs, so I cannot fully answer your
>> question, but a quick internet search using 'samba btrfs quota' turned
>> up this Samba bug:
>> https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10541
>> Perhaps that will help.
> thank you. Hmm. I learned about vfs_btrfs now and set up a test share 
> using this module. Doesn't change the display of free space in windows.
> I set a btrfs quota of 2GB on the shell, but there are still terabytes 
> of free space visible in windows explorer. That is a bit problematic in 
> our case, we want to limit usage and it would be confusing to display 
> terabytes of free space but users hit some "invisible" barrier when 
> putting files there.

is that vfs_btrfs module actively maintained ?

last changes 9 months ago, as far as I can see.

And the manpage is 3 years old.

We tried some copying around to see if the module actually speeds up 
things ... but so far we couldn't see any gains.

Maybe I didn't fully understand *what* should be improved.


It would be a nice feature (inside vfs_btrfs? elsewhere in samba?) to 
let samba look at the quota of the underlying btrfs-subvolume and 
display only this size to the client/user.

Although combining btrfs quota groups with btrfs snapshots has 
performance issues (we just hit that ... and disabled qgroups now until 
we find a solution).

In our usecase taking and having snapshots is more important than that 
"free space" issue. But it would be great to solve that also.

maybe someone is interested in writing some clever patch here ;-)

thanks all, Stefan

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