[Samba] session setup failed: NT_STATUS_NO_IMPERSONATION_TOKEN

Luc Lalonde luc.lalonde at polymtl.ca
Tue Jul 9 17:15:02 UTC 2024

Hello Peter,

This system only uses Winbind and NSCD is not installed.

I also tried with these commands and I get the same problem:

net ads join -UAdministrator
net ads keytab add_update_ads nfs/$(hostname -f) -U Administrator
net ads keytab add_update_ads nfs/$(hostname -s) -U Administrator


On 7/9/24 11:42 AM, Peter Milesson via samba wrote:
> On 09.07.2024 17:31, Luc Lalonde via samba wrote:
>> Hello,
>> This problem has come back for me and I can't seem to get around it.
>> When I try to access a share, I get this error:
>> session setup failed: NT_STATUS_NO_IMPERSONATION_TOKEN
>> Here's what I have in the logs (samba-4.20.1-1.el9.x86_64):
>> [2024/07/09 11:22:26.747013,  3] 
>> ../../auth/kerberos/gssapi_pac.c:120(gssapi_obtain_pac_blob)
>>   gssapi_obtain_pac_blob: obtaining PAC via GSSAPI 
>> gss_get_name_attribute failed: The operation or option is not 
>> available or unsupported: No such file or directory
>> [2024/07/09 11:22:26.747103,  1] 
>> ../../auth/gensec/gensec_util.c:70(gensec_generate_session_info_pac)
>>   gensec_generate_session_info_pac: Unable to find PAC in ticket from 
>> username at EXAMPLE.ORG, failing to allow access
>> This file server is joined to an Active Directory server and I'm able 
>> to use Winbind to authenticate users without any problems.. NFS 
>> mounts are working too.
>> I've even removed the keytab, and machine credentials in AD and 
>> rejoined... same problem.
>> Here's the command I used:
>> realm join --membership-software=samba --computer-ou=OU=Services 
>> --client-software=winbind example.org
>> Any ideas?
>> Thank You!
> Hi Luc,
> The realm command is not a Samba command AFAIK. sssd problem?
> Make sure you have winbind installed and configured and sssd 
> uninstalled. Also check that nscd is not installed, or at least not 
> active.
> Read 
> https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Setting_up_Samba_as_a_Domain_Member#Joining_the_Domain
> Best regards,
> Peter
Luc Lalonde, analyste
Département de génie informatique et génie logiciel:
École polytechnique de MTL
(514) 340-4711 x5049
Luc.Lalonde at polymtl.ca

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