[Samba] samba-ad-dc from debian backports fails to start with /usr/sbin/samba missing

Michael Tokarev mjt at tls.msk.ru
Mon Jul 8 10:43:00 UTC 2024

07.07.2024 13:53, Paul Leiber via samba wrote:

> Unattended-upgrades sends e-mails from each VM after it has been doing something. I am not quite sure if NEWS entries would be shown in such an 
> e-mail, but I am guessing that this is the case, as it is recommended to install apt-listchanges together with unattended-upgrades. I recently deleted 
> my e-mail trashcan, so I can't check my e-mails for these NEWS entries. I will definitely pay attention in the future.

Here.  Thank you for the hint Paul!  Unattended upgrades will sure
do this for backoports, - since not only the minimal non-intrusive
changes are possible here (as has been in this very case, but other
packages from bpo sure can have the same effect).  Security upgrades
and stable upgrades (debian point releases, like the recent 12.6 one)
should be pretty good for unattended.  But upgrades of packages from
bpo are comparable with full debian upgrade from one major version to
another (bullseye => bookworm), with only difference is that not all
packages are upgraded at the same time, but only very small list.  But
the ones which are upgraded, can have significant differences in them.

I'll see how unattended upgrades handles NEWS entries.  It should be
there, - if not, it's a good reason to raise a bug report in debian
(about unattended-upgrades).  I'll do that.

> As the number of system e-mails with information on installed updated is quite high, I tend to just check which updates have been installed (in the 
> first couple of lines in the e-mail) and skip the rest of the mail with dpkg logs and other information. So it could very well be that the NEWS 
> entries have been sent to me via e-mail, and I didn't read the whole mail and thus didn't see the NEWS entry.

Yeah, completely understandable.

Just to make it clear: I'm not blaming you in any way, - no, my intention
is entirely different, - I'm trying to understand where we're lacking,
and how important info like this is better to be delivered.

> I also guess that my case is similar to the one from Matthias Kühne in this thread, and I installed the update, but didn't restart the VM, so I didn't 
> notice the change right away. I think that my last reboot before samba didn't work anymore had been a while ago. I checked dpkg and 
> unattended-upgrades logs, but didn't find anything helpful.

This is one another interesting case which I didn't think about:
since the startup/shutdown script is gone, nothing is left to
stop the service.  So it should be stopped before upgrade in this
case, it looks like.  I'll think about this more.

> Hope this helps a bit.

Yes, it definitely helps!

> Thank you (and the whole Samba team, of course) for your work!

And thank you for your info and your use cases!


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