[Samba] samba-ad-dc from debian backports fails to start with /usr/sbin/samba missing

Matthias Kühne | Ellerhold Aktiengesellschaft matthias.kuehne at ellerhold.de
Fri Jul 5 06:58:15 UTC 2024

Hello mjt,

I can only speak for myself:

For bigger upgrades (e. g. samba 4.19 -> 4.20) Im manually updating a 
few servers and check if everything works.

For smaller updates (e. g. 4.20.1 -> 4.20.2) Im using saltstack to 
automate updating the servers. It suppresses these messages and this is 
fine in 99% of all cases because a minor update is not supposed to 
change much (e. g. split a package).

Funnily enough our DCs kept running after updating to 4.20.2 WITHOUT the 
samba-ad-dc package. Dont know why it worked for us and not for 
everybody else.

Regards, Matthias.

Am 05.07.24 um 07:55 schrieb Michael Tokarev via samba:
> 04.07.2024 21:27, Paul Leiber via samba wrote:
>> Dear Samba list,
>> I have a Samba instance running as an ad-dc on debian bullseye. Some 
>> time ago, I changed the standard installation to backports with
>> apt -t bullseye-backports install samba
>> After a recent update, samba-ad-dc service didn't start anymore. The 
>> journal gave the following hint:
>> Jul 04 20:05:37 xxx (samba)[5864]: samba-ad-dc.service: Failed at 
>> step EXEC spawning /usr/sbin/samba: No such file or directory
> Paul, others who also hit this issue.  I'm curious, I really am, - why 
> aren't you seeing the
> NEWS entries I've written.
> Debian packages has NEWS mechanism - important information which is 
> supposed to be presented
> to the user on package upgrades.  apt-listchanges package is 
> responsible for this -- it is
> a part of standard install, with Priority: standard, so it is 
> initially present on any
> debian system installed the regular way.  By default, NEWS entries, if 
> any, are displayed
> while upgrading a package, apt waits the user to acknowledge the reading.
> What prevents you and others from seeing these entries?
> I had another way to do this transition (moving some files from main 
> samba package to
> samba-ad-dc package).  For example, it's possible to make samba 
> Recommends: samba-ad-dc,
> so samba-ad-dc package will be installed most of the time (unless the 
> user disabled
> installing recommended packages, which is not recommended).  But I 
> don't want to do
> that, because samba-ad-dc has additional dependencies not needed by 
> samba.  So I went
> this way, adding the fine docs to samba.NEWS file 
> (/usr/share/doc/samba/NEWS.gz), in
> a hope the user will read this info.  Apparently they aren't aware of 
> that.
> (When upgrading from bookworm to trixie, there will be release notes 
> document, where
> we'll mention this change in samba, - so this one will have a bit more 
> chances to be
> seen, at least).
> Thanks,
> /mjt
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