[Samba] Using logon.bat files in samba ad-dc

spindles seven spindles7 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 5 22:58:09 UTC 2024

On Friday, January 5, 2024 9:53 PM Ricardo Campos wrote:
> To ask another way: how can a user, using a Windows client, map existing shares in
> the ad to Windows devices, automatically, when logging into the domain?
You might consider using Group Policy to map drives for users so the shares are automatically allocated a drive letter when the user logs on.    This is in:

User Configuration > Preferences > Windows Settings > Drive Maps

Use Group Policy Management (part of RSAT) from a Windows Domain Member to do this.

If you are talking about the User's Home directory - this can be automatically connected (and auto created when configured in ADUC) without the need for Group Policy.    Just set the Home Folder to "Connect <drive Letter> To <path-to-top-level-home-folder>\%USERNAME% on the Profile tab of the user(s).

This will automatically create the users' folders when configured and connect the home folder to the specified drive letter.   In addition you may also which to use Redirected Folder in a GPO to redirect Documents, Picture, Music, Videos etc to this folder.

This requires, of course, that the correct permissions are set from Windows in the Users Home folder at the top level.   Note the permissions in the samba WiKi at https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Windows_User_Home_Folders needs amendment to allow the auto-creation of the folder:  Domain Users should be granted "Create Folders / Append Data" to "This folder only" in addition to the other settings.



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