[Samba] Keeping DNS out of Samba

Michael Tokarev mjt at tls.msk.ru
Thu Dec 19 14:59:13 UTC 2024

19.12.2024 17:52, Peter Mittermayer via samba wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> I'm aware of the dns_update_cache file, and I saw it being generated when starting samba service for the first time. However, I don't understand when it gets updated.

It gets updated when "something" changes in the DC. Your FSMO role
transfer is one such example.

> For example, I have added an additional DC to my domain and moved the PDC role to it for a while. So the line for PDC record was added to the file. Once I removed the PDC role the line in the file is still there. I know I have to manually remove the DNS record  (there can only be one pointing to the current role owner) but I expected that at least the dns_update_cache file would have been updated. If it is created from the template file dns_update list the line for PDC should have been removed. But it stays there even after service restart  and even now, after more than a day, it is there. What triggers a regeneration of the dns_update_cache file? Any idea?

See dns update command parameter.  It gets run every 60 iirc.

The problem with the DELETES is that the whole samba DNS infrastructure
only *adds* records, but does not DELETE the records.  dns registration
script (which processes the updated dns_update_cache file) does not
know about the previous set of records.  It only registers (or re-
registers) whatever's in the cache file now, without removing anything.

But this is not what this thread is about.


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