[Samba] pam_winbind Appears to need a Network Connection to Succeed at Offline Authentication

John R. Graham john at graham-family.org
Mon Dec 2 13:09:47 UTC 2024

On 12/2/24 04:03, Rowland Penny via samba wrote:
> I think that what is happening here is that Samba is caching the
> username, uidNumber & gidNumber, but none of the other rfc2307
> attributes, so when the network is disconnected, the 'missing' rfc2307
> attributes cannot be found, even though winbind tries, so it just
> 'hangs'.

But there would be nothing untoward about adding a few more RFC2307 
attributes to what winbindd caches (specifically those that would give 
nss_winbind all the information necessary to construct a full passwd 
line), would there? Would the Samba team be receptive to such a patch?

- John

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