[Samba] smbclient issue

Peter L. Fraser peter.fraser at mayberryinv.com
Thu Apr 11 16:00:16 UTC 2024

Hi All,
I am having a strange problem with smbclient. I am transferring some services from one Oracle Linux server to another. On the new server, when I run the command

# smbclient //server_name/import -l /var/log/samba -A /home/user/auth.txt --client-protection=sign,  I get the error NT_STATUS_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN.

The exact same command works on the current server.

I cannot understand how the same command with the same version of smbclient on both servers works on one server,
but not the other. Both servers have smbclient 4.18.6 and both servers run Oracle Linux.

Any help would be appreciated.

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