[Samba] Spotlight issues

Kees van Vloten keesvanvloten at gmail.com
Mon Nov 6 09:47:50 UTC 2023

Op 06-11-2023 om 10:04 schreef Matthias Kühne | Ellerhold 
Aktiengesellschaft via samba:
> Hello,
> yes sadly update 8.9 of elasticsearch broke the samba integration. Seems
> like 8.10 is still broken. Stay on 8.8 until this is fixed. Ive emailed
> Ralph Böhme of Sernet already, but hes got no time for it atm.
> Im not sure about the second part of your bug report though:
>> There is a bug where when the samba server is running and files are being indexed while samba is running finder will return results correctly in the quick search bar when searched with individual files listed.
>> However, when you restart smb/smbd services finder no longer returns search results using this method (sometimes it shows folders, sometimes it shows nothing).
>> Files can still be searched in finder by opening up the advanced search results with the plus icon and selecting contents. But they can no longer be searched from the quick search bar without doing this.
> This is with elasticsearch < 8.9 (7.17)? It only shows result while the
> indexer is running? Weird... the indexer should just populate the DB
> (elasticsearch) with documents. It shouldnt matter to samba if the
> indexer is currently running or not.
> Which indexer do you use? I never got fscrawler to work, so... shameless
> plug: Im mainting my own indexer over at
> https://github.com/Ellerhold/fs2es-indexer/issues - give it a look if
> you want. Or dont. ;)
> For us (Samba 4.18 + Elasticsearch 8.8 + fs2es-indexer) the quick search
> works (sometimes takes while though) and the advanced search is somewhat
> funky but mostly works. Be aware that as far as I know only the filename
> criteria are implemented in Samba (and my indexer). Everything else like
> size, date etc are silently ignored by samba.

I have made a description of how to make it work with Opensearch (which 
is a fork of Elasticseach 7.10.2), it includes the fscrawler setup. The 
text is at: 

For this particular case, I guess Elasticsearch changed something in the 
protocol which is no longer compatible with the Samba implementation.

- Kees.

> Hope this helps,
> Matthias Kühne.
> Am 04.11.23 um 13:36 schrieb Tyler Salwierz via samba:
>> So I have two issues.
>> 1) Using Samba 4.19.2 with spotlight and elasticsearch 8.10.3 doesn’t work.
>> Errors:
>> [2023/10/22 09:04:17,  0] ../../source3/rpc_server/mdssvc/mdssvc_es.c:755(mds_es_search_http_read_done)  mds_es_search_http_read_done: json_loadb failed
>> 2) Using Samba 4.19.2 with spotlight and elasticsearch 7.17.10 works.
>> There is a bug where when the samba server is running and files are being indexed while samba is running finder will return results correctly in the quick search bar when searched with individual files listed.
>> However, when you restart smb/smbd services finder no longer returns search results using this method (sometimes it shows folders, sometimes it shows nothing).
>> Files can still be searched in finder by opening up the advanced search results with the plus icon and selecting contents. But they can no longer be searched from the quick search bar without doing this.

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