[Samba] smbclient NT_STATUS_NTLM_BLOCKED

cYuSeDfZfb cYuSeDfZfb cyusedfzfb at gmail.com
Fri Nov 3 11:27:57 UTC 2023


I have configured my (RHEL9) standalone samba server with "ntlm auth =
disabled" because we understand that ntlm should be disabled nowadays.

However, we can no longer use smbclient (4.17) to connect to that server,

session setup failed: NT_STATUS_NTLM_BLOCKED

We have also set these on the server:
client signing = mandatory | server signing = mandatory |  smb encrypt =

How dangerous would it be to keep ntlm enabled? We do need to support
smbclient access. What else can we do to enable smbclient access?

Thank you!

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