[Samba] LDAP Extended attributes and dsheuristics

Andrew Bartlett abartlet at samba.org
Tue May 30 19:04:07 UTC 2023

On Tue, 2023-05-30 at 11:23 -0400, Ben Curtis via samba wrote:
> Hi all,
> I can only find posts about extended attributes from ~10 years ago,
> so
> I figured I'd ask this here. I get the following error when trying to
> change passwords on my Samba 4.7 AD via LDAP:
> ```
> ldap_exop_passwd(): Passwd modify extended operation failed: Extended
> Operation( not supported
> ```
> Is this feature ( still not supported?

This feature has never been seen on Active Directory DCs, and Samba has
not had a patch for this contributed. 

We would welcome such a feature, but note it would need to be quite
carefully implemented and tested to ensure it honours all the
appropriate ACLs. 

>  Also, I
> have tried setting dsHeuristics for iutem 9 (fUserPwdSupport) to 1
> with:
> ```
> samba-tool forest directory_service dsheuristics 000000001
> ```
> But there doesn't seem to be a way to get it to reset to "default
> value" (empty). Any ideas how I would do that?

All-zeros will be the default, but aside from wanting to match a
Windows 2000 era behaviour exactly, fUserPwdSupport makes more sense in
general.  Sometime we should allow Samba to have a 'match Windows exactly' vs 'be more useful' provision-time knob.

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett (he/him)       https://samba.org/~abartlet/
Samba Team Member (since 2001) https://samba.org
Samba Team Lead                https://catalyst.net.nz/services/samba
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