[Samba] SaMBa 4.16.4 adds users to ACLs as groups

Ralph Boehme slow at samba.org
Tue Jun 13 09:03:23 UTC 2023


On 6/13/23 00:57, Tamás Németh via samba wrote:
>   But why does SaMBa 4.16.4 do what is does, when back then SaMBa 4.6.5
> didn't do it yet?

hm, afair this should have worked that way in 4.6.5 as well. If it 
didn't, that was probably a bug.

The reason for this feature, is that this allows storing Windows groups 
as file owner as well Windows to Linux identity mapping type to change 
from user to group which happens as part of SID history.


Ralph Boehme, Samba Team                 https://samba.org/
SerNet Samba Team Lead      https://sernet.de/en/team-samba
SAMBA+ Samba packages                   https://samba.plus/

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