[Samba] Variable %I is ''

Arnaud FLORENT aflorent at iris-tech.fr
Mon Jul 31 11:55:59 UTC 2023

Le 31/07/2023 à 12:30, Ralph Boehme via samba a écrit :
> On 7/31/23 11:45, Arnaud FLORENT via samba wrote:
>> since we upgrade to samba 4.16 on ubuntu 20.04 using www.corpit.ru 
>> repository,  we got small issues with variable substitution in NT PDC 
>> mode.
>> we use "add machine script" to call a script with %u %I
>> add machine script = /usr/sbin/s-addmachine %u %I
>> with samba 4.15 , %I value was correct (the IP address of the client 
>> machine) but with samba 4.16 the value is now
> this is probably a result of the rewritten RPC service infrastructure. 
> RPC services now run in seperate processes started from the RPC 
> process controller samba-dcerpcd. Due to this some state needed for 
> the variable substitution is not present in the RPC service when 
> expanding variables.
> %I is likely one of them though I wonder whether 
> lp_add_machine_script() is actually called in RPC context or just as 
> part of the SMB authentication. This is going to depend on the vector 
> you're using to triggert this.
>> any ideas to correct this please?
> we have some ideas about making to propegate more state from the SMB 
> session process to the RPC service, but due to lack of interested 
> parties funding the work, this has not materialized yet.
> -slow


thank you for the fast and clear answer.

IRIS Technologies

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