[Samba] DCs in multiple VLANs

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Fri Jan 20 10:08:57 UTC 2023

On 20/01/2023 09:44, Michael Tokarev via samba wrote:
> 20.01.2023 12:39, Rowland Penny via samba wrote:
> ..>> FWIW, this is one of the reasons I prefer to manage DNS elsewhere, 
> without
>>> tying it to samba/DC, - this way I can control which records are 
>>> being used.
>>> DNS is mostly static, it changes only when you reconfigure network, 
>>> when you
>>> can update DNS explicitly too, so dynamic DNS isn't really necessary.
>> Michael, how you run your systems is your prerogative, but please do 
>> not suggest using unsupported methods on this list, whilst they may 
>> work for you, they may not work for others.
> Sure. Please point me the first time I suggest using something 
> unsupported by you
> to others.

It is not unsupported by me, it is unsupported by Samba.
Samba only supports using the internal dns server or a Bind9 server 
running on a DC using BIND9_DLZ

What you do is up to you, but please do not recommend something that 
isn't supported by Samba.


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