[Samba] User doesn't have write access to directory

Rob Campbell robcampbell08105 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 27 22:22:21 UTC 2023

I have a user that is a member of a group that should have write access to
a directory but they cannot write to the directory.

$ la | grep Movies
drwxr-xr-x  345 *HOME\movie editors*      HOME\movie users        36K May
22  2023 *Movies*

$ id testuser
uid=3000038(HOME\testuser) gid=100(*users*)
editors)*,3000030(HOME\video editors),3000032(HOME\music
editors),3000037(HOME\rc users),3000009(BUILTIN\users)

HOME\testuser at DC01:/multimedia$ touch *Movies/test*
touch: cannot touch '*Movies/test*': Permission denied

$ls -lah /multimedia
drwxrwxr-x   16 tester              *users*                  4.0K Dec 27
16:39 .

In all things, Be Intentional.

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