[Samba] bind crashes after samba upgrade

Sonic sonicsmith at gmail.com
Wed Dec 27 16:39:41 UTC 2023

On Wed, Dec 27, 2023 at 11:26 AM Rowland Penny via samba
<samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
> What happened to 'include "/etc/bind/named.conf.default-zones";' ?
It always worked without them previously.

> See below about the keytab.

> You need a valid forwarder
Forwarder is valid.

> Are you actually building Samba yourself ?
> If not the entire path is wrong, if you are, it just a little bit wrong.
> The path was changed from /.../.../samba/private/ to /.../.../bind-dns/
> where '/.../.../' is either '/usr/local/' or '/var/lib/' depending on a
> self compiled Samba or distro packages.
Yes, self compiled but the install puts nothing in /.../.../bind-dns/,
however if I change to the internal backend and then back to bind the
files show up in that new location. And I've edited the bind conf
files with the new location with no change in the resulting crash on

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