[Samba] bind crashes after samba upgrade

Peter Milesson miles at atmos.eu
Mon Dec 25 20:12:55 UTC 2023

On 25.12.2023 19:36, Sonic via samba wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 25, 2023 at 1:20 PM Peter Milesson via samba
> <samba at lists.samba.org> wrote:
>> Couldn't you setup a completely new Debian VM with the latest Samba from
>> backports, sync with the old one, transfer the FSMO roles, and then
>> demote the old one?
> Wasn't sure I could do that with such a big jump.
> But it's worth a try. I always have my original as I'm working with
> lxc containers and can easily make copies.
> Thanks and Merry Christmas,
> Chris
Hi Chris,

I'm not the right person to assess this, but I'm convinced that Rowland 
Penny or Jeremy Allison could chime in here.

I self compiled a Samba DC (ver. 4.9.1) on CentOS 7.1 once upon a time. 
It was never updated, just the base OS. As the RedHat world got more an 
more quirky with time, I decided that I must do something about it, and 
setup Debian Buster with Samba from Louis van Belle's repositiories. I 
think it was 4.14 at the beginning, later on upgraded to 4.15.7 (I 
think). I transferred the FSMO roles to the Debian DC, and did not 
notice any adverse effects. Before I did the transition, I made dead 
sure that the replication was working correctly. The caveat is, I'm not 
using bind, just the internal DNS backend.

I hope you solve the problems, I'm frequently in the same seat, having 
to use long holidays to upgrade things, been there, done that.

Best regards,


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