[Samba] netlogon_creds_encrypt_samlogon_validation() failed - NT_STATUS_INVALID_INFO_CLASS

Kacper Wirski kacper.wirski at gmail.com
Sun Dec 17 21:52:07 UTC 2023


*I'm running samba as AD DC on Debian 10, 3 DC's total, samba is from 
base debian repo

*Version 4.13.13-Debian

today on one of my DC's I started to see error such as this:

*samba[2720697]: [2023/12/17 22:36:21.896597,  0] 
samba[2720697]:   dcesrv_netr_LogonSamLogon_base_reply: 
netlogon_creds_encrypt_samlogon_validation() failed - 


*it started to appear after I moved my VM with samba file server between 
2 hyper-v hosts. In my samba DC log, before this error appears, I see:*

*samba[2720714]:   Auth: [Kerberos KDC,ENC-TS Pre-authentication] user 
[(null)]\[SRV6$@MYDOMAIN] at [Sun, 17 Dec 2023 22:36:21.851537 CET] with 
[arcfour-hmac-md5] status [NT_STATUS_OK] workstation [(null)] remote 
host [ipv4:192.1 etc.
samba[2720714]:   {"timestamp": "2023-12-17T22:36:21.851719+0100", 
"type": "Authentication", "Authentication": {"version": {"major": 1, 
"minor": 2}, "eventId": 4624, "logonId": "b204a5992394b4e1", 
"logonType": 3, "status": "NT_STATUS_OK", etc.

*VM itself was updated (centos 7.9 running samba from repo i.e. Version 

*Account that appears right before error is on the other hand is the 
hyper-v host account on which my file server was previously. I can't 
find anything NOT working, but error is new and I have no idea what to 
do about it and what caused it. Hyper-v hosts use certificates not 
kerberos for replication (it was my first guess that it's something 
concerning replication, but it's not).*

*Any pointers and help is appreciated. I know that I could try updating 
samba on DC's (backports repo), but it's not something I can do on a whim.




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