[Samba] Joining Windows 10 Domain Member to Samba AD/DC

Andrew Bartlett abartlet at samba.org
Wed Dec 13 23:23:40 UTC 2023

On Wed, 2023-12-13 at 14:54 -0500, Mark Foley via samba wrote:
> I'm attempting to join a Window 10 computer as a domain member to a
> Samba AC/DC.
> I'm trying to use a tool from ForensiT 
> https://www.forensit.com
>  called Transwiz.
> This tool is supposed to join the Windows computer to the domain AND
> migrate
> user profiles from a different domain to the new domain.
> I created the domain user on the DC using samba-tool. Then I ran
> transwiz on
> the Windows computer and answered the various questions as to domain
> name and
> user, and it began the process, but ended up with the error:
>   "The following error occured attempting to connect to the domain
> hprs.locl: The
>   RPC server is unavailable."
> I started rpc on the DC and tried again, but got the same error.
> Supposedly this tool does work with Samba DCs. Any idea what the the
> problem
> could be? It finds the DC just fine.
> Thanks --Mark

I would try and get a detailed log from the client (or at the very
least the very exact time it fails), level 10 log from the server and a
matching network trace from time-syncronised machines.

Then look at what packet is failing and what the server logs say at
that exact time.

Take the capture on the client if you can get a high-res time for the
failure there, or on the server if you can't (to better align the
failure with the server logs).

This sounds like a lot, but even without understanding everything this
often gives really good clues, or something you can digest, sanitise
and post. 

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett (he/him)       https://samba.org/~abartlet/
Samba Team Member (since 2001) https://samba.org
Samba Team Lead                https://catalyst.net.nz/services/samba
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