[Samba] Joining Windows 10 Domain Member to Samba AD/DC

Mark Foley mfoley at novatec-inc.com
Wed Dec 13 19:54:11 UTC 2023

I'm attempting to join a Window 10 computer as a domain member to a Samba AC/DC.
I'm trying to use a tool from ForensiT https://www.forensit.com called Transwiz.
This tool is supposed to join the Windows computer to the domain AND migrate
user profiles from a different domain to the new domain.

I created the domain user on the DC using samba-tool. Then I ran transwiz on
the Windows computer and answered the various questions as to domain name and
user, and it began the process, but ended up with the error:

  "The following error occured attempting to connect to the domain hprs.locl: The
  RPC server is unavailable."

I started rpc on the DC and tried again, but got the same error.

Supposedly this tool does work with Samba DCs. Any idea what the the problem
could be? It finds the DC just fine.

Thanks --Mark

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