[Samba] Migration of files with Windows ACL's to Samba server

Borut Rozman borut.rozman at bioch.ox.ac.uk
Wed Aug 16 17:17:03 UTC 2023

Thanks for your answer, I assume NFS resharing is really not the way to go, we have a complicated setup (as you would assume) and this was just to try make things separated and simpler.
To explain more
- storage server is joined to the AD domain via SSSD 
- we are running NIS to propagate nfs maps to the clients, server just serves as storage
- we want to run samba to share same nfs mount points across.

So probably we will have to disconnect the sssd and reconnect it via samba to AD and discard the second machine we are using at the moment ot serve as samba server. Just today I have an issue with one of the shares being reshared via samba, that it reports 0 free space so no one can save anything on that share. I want to mitigate this issue for the time being so it would be helpful how to fix that? Any ideas? It reports 726mb of size of that share and 0 bytes free.

I have plenty of space on the storage server. 


> On 28 Jul 2023, at 16:13, Ralph Boehme <slow at samba.org> wrote:
> On 7/28/23 15:27, Borut Rozman via samba wrote:
>> So /storage is a NFS mount from a second server.
>> server2:/storage/    201T   40T  153T  21% /storage
> well, resharing NFS is always asking for problems... :)
> It looks like when using acl_xattr where Samba will store the NT ACLs in filesystem extended attributes, your NFS mount doesn't support setting xattrs.
> Iirc xattrs are an optional feature of the NFS4 protocol, so either your client or server might not implement it or it's not configured correctly.
> As an alternative, you could also try to use vfs_nfs4acl_xattr with nfs4acl_xattr:nfs. It's been some time since I implemented this, but that should be the correct setting for your usecase. :)
> -slow
> -- 
> Ralph Boehme, Samba Team                      https://samba.org/
> SerNet Samba Team Lead                     https://sernet.de/en/
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