[Samba] KB5029244...

Fabio Muzzi liste at kurgan.org
Thu Aug 10 18:56:09 UTC 2023

On 10/08/2023 17.52, Philippe LeCavalier via samba wrote:

> The solution is to update Samba to (security update to 4.17) so that 166
> (and possible 244) work from the client side. If you rely on a client side
> solution you will likely continuously revisit this issue.

I know I have to update Samba, but it's a hard job on a lot of small installations, and it requires quite a lot of time.

Windows has been backwards (Samba NT and Samba AD) compatible for almost 25 years (win98 to win10) and now it seems it's all over. Every patch breaks something.

Fabio Muzzi Frabetti

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