[Samba] Can't join to Domain

basti mailinglist at unix-solution.de
Fri Aug 4 11:21:15 UTC 2023

On 04.08.23 12:59, Rowland Penny via samba wrote:
> On 04/08/2023 11:50, basti via samba wrote:
>> On 04.08.23 12:37, Rowland Penny via samba wrote:
>>> On 04/08/2023 11:21, basti via samba wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> yesterday I setup a AD DC.
>>>> Today I try to add a Fileserver to the AD.
>>>> https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Idmap_config_ad
>>>> smb.conf:
>>>> [global]
>>>>      security = ADS
>>>>      workgroup = NET
>>>>      realm = NET.EXAMPLE.COM
>>>>      log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
>>>>      log level = 1
>>>>      # Default ID mapping configuration for local BUILTIN accounts
>>>>      # and groups on a domain member. The default (*) domain:
>>>>      # - must not overlap with any domain ID mapping configuration!
>>>>      # - must use a read-write-enabled back end, such as tdb.
>>>>      idmap config * : backend = tdb
>>>>      idmap config * : range = 3000-7999
>>>>      # - You must set a DOMAIN backend configuration
>>>>      # idmap config for the NET domain
>>>>      idmap config NET:backend = ad
>>>>      idmap config NET:schema_mode = rfc2307
>>>>      idmap config NET:range = 10000-999999
>>>>      idmap config NET:unix_nss_info = yes
>>>>      vfs objects = acl_xattr
>>>>      map acl inherit = yes
>>>>      store dos attributes = yes
>>>> [homes]
>>>>     comment = Home Directories
>>>>     browseable = no
>>>> root at fs:/var/lib/samba# cat /etc/krb5.conf
>>>> [libdefaults]
>>>>      default_realm = NET.EXAMPLE.COM
>>>>      dns_lookup_realm = false
>>>>      dns_lookup_kdc = true
>>>> root at fs:/var/lib/samba#
>>>> root at fs:/var/lib/samba# net ads join -U Administrator
>>>> Password for [NET\Administrator]:
>>>> Failed to join domain: failed to lookup DC info for domain 
>>>> 'NET.EXAMPLE:COM' over rpc: Indicates the SID structure is not valid.
>>>> DNS also works as expected.
>>>> All tests done on 
>>>> https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Setting_up_Samba_as_a_Domain_Member 
>>>> are OK
>>> I take it this is 4.17.9 on bookworm (as your DC was).
>>> Have you added any rfc2307 attributes to AD ?
>>> If you temporarily change to the 'rid' idmap backend, does the join 
>>> then work ?
>>> Rowland
>> Yes is is bookworm, sorry.
>> I setup DC with --use-rfc2307
>> temporarily change to the 'rid' idmap backend did not help, the error 
>> is the same.
>> Somethink seems wrong here:
>> root at dc1:~# net rpc info -U Administrator
>> Password for [NET\Administrator]:
>> Could not connect to server DC1
>> Connection failed: NT_STATUS_INVALID_SID
>> root at dc1:~#
> I cannot remember ever having that problem.
> Is Samba running at this point ? if it is, stop it and try the join again.
> Check that you can ping the DC.
> Check that /etc/resolv.conf is using the DC as its first nameserver
> Check that /etc/hosts is set up correctly
> Rowland

I get this error on both, the DC and the other pc I try to join.

I can ping DC, DNS (dig) works, resolv.conf is OK, /etc/hosts look good.
samba is running on DC on the other pc there is no smbd/nmbd/winbindd.

root at dc1:~# wbinfo --name-to-sid Administrator
S-1-5-21-3817776203-2382255991-3851830574-500 SID_USER (1)

on dc works

It seems to be a problem with rpc, ads is working:

root at dc1:~# net ads info -U Admininistrator
Password for [NET\Admininistrator]:
LDAP server:
LDAP server name: dc1.net.example.com
Bind Path: dc=NET,dc=EXAMPLE,dc=COM
LDAP port: 389
Server time: Fri, 04 Aug 2023 13:12:56 CEST
KDC server:
Server time offset: 0
Last machine account password change: Thu, 03 Aug 2023 13:23:31 CEST
root at dc1:~#

But i cant join via ads:

root at fs:~# net ads join -U Admininistrator
Password for [NET\Admininistrator]:
Failed to join domain: failed to lookup DC info for domain 
'NET.EXAMPLE.COM' over rpc: The attempted logon is invalid. This is 
either due to a bad username or authentication information.
root at fs:~#

The pc i try to join log the following on dc:

  [2023/08/04 12:49:01.800779,  0] 
   Unable to convert first SID 
(S-1-5-21-3817776203-2382255991-3851830574-500) in user token to a UID. 
Conversion was returned as type 0, full token:
[2023/08/04 12:49:01.800870,  0] 
   Security token SIDs (14):
     SID[  0]: S-1-5-21-3817776203-2382255991-3851830574-500
     SID[  1]: S-1-5-21-3817776203-2382255991-3851830574-513
     SID[  2]: S-1-5-21-3817776203-2382255991-3851830574-512
     SID[  3]: S-1-5-21-3817776203-2382255991-3851830574-572
     SID[  4]: S-1-5-21-3817776203-2382255991-3851830574-518
     SID[  5]: S-1-5-21-3817776203-2382255991-3851830574-519
     SID[  6]: S-1-5-21-3817776203-2382255991-3851830574-520
     SID[  7]: S-1-18-1
     SID[  8]: S-1-1-0
     SID[  9]: S-1-5-2
     SID[ 10]: S-1-5-11
     SID[ 11]: S-1-5-32-544
     SID[ 12]: S-1-5-32-545
     SID[ 13]: S-1-5-32-554
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