[Samba] compiling samba..

Joachim Lindenberg samba at lindenberg.one
Thu Aug 3 19:25:00 UTC 2023

I am trying to compile samba for the first time and ran into several issues that might be obvious for all team members but not for me and I think documentation could be improved/updated.


1.	I am wondering why https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Build_Samba_from_Source suggests to use wget instead of just git clone https://gitlab.com/samba-team/devel/samba.git and then checking out a release branch. Or are these really different?
2.	The package dependencies at https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Package_Dependencies_Required_to_Build_Samba#Debian_/_Ubuntu don´t work well for me. For one I think it would help to update them to (most) recent distributions (I am trying on Ubuntu 22.04.2), but I believe I managed that part. However even then I got 

E: Unable to locate package python-crypto

E: Unable to locate package python-dnspython

E: Unable to locate package python-gpg

Are these obsolete or what is the correct replacement?

3.	I also tried https://git.samba.org/?p=samba.git;a=blob_plain;f=bootstrap/generated-dists/ubuntu2004/bootstrap.sh;hb=master ignoring the version mismatch on both Ubuntu and Samba sources, but got errors as well.
4.	Ignoring that, I ran ./configure and noticed lots of green ok and yellow not found, plus one error (red):

vfs_snapper is enabled but prerequisite dbus-1 package not found. Use --with-shared-modules='!vfs_snapper' to disable vfs_snapper support.

How do I get this installed? Or what is the consequence of disabling vfs_snapper?





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