[Samba] EXTERNAL: Re: SAMBA Configuration Assistance

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Thu Apr 27 18:14:33 UTC 2023

On 27/04/2023 18:02, Nguyen, Danny [US-US] wrote:
> I would like to be running as a server and client, having sharing in two directions between two computers. I added map to guest based off your comment. And I have CORE as the min protocol but have no preference how to contact other servers.

If you just require a standalone server that can be contacted by modern 
computers, without creating users on the machine, then you only need 
this smb.conf:

     log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
     workgroup = SIL
     map to guest = Bad User

     comment = /sambashare
     guest ok = yes
     path = /sambashare
     read only = no

This will use SMBv2 as a minimum

If you want this server to also be a client (why ?), you will need to 
create users (Unix and Samba).


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