[Samba] DNS problems (still) with Linux domain members - using Samba's internal DNS backend

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Thu Apr 27 14:39:47 UTC 2023

On 27/04/2023 14:37, Gary Dale via samba wrote:

> If you don't have Unix users then the UIDs and GIDs can't interfere. The 
> idea of interference requires the existence of both sets.

What happens if something goes wrong, AD doesn't work and you cannot log 
on because you do not have any local Unix users because YOU chose to 
start the AD id's at 1000 ???

Gary this is getting us nowhere, you say something, I try to help you, 
alter the wiki in some cases, but you keep coming up with more and more 
problems, objections etc, so welcome to my banned list.


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