[Samba] Is LDAP + Kerberos without Active Directory no longer supported?

Daniel Lakeland dlakelan at street-artists.org
Fri Apr 14 21:19:17 UTC 2023

On 4/14/23 13:43, Rowland Penny via samba wrote:
> On 14/04/2023 20:52, Daniel Lakeland via samba wrote:
>> I last reported a bug to Debian with samba 4.8 so let's assume that I 
>> was using that when I had it working. I believe someone else tried 
>> with 4.13 but I had to back out of that version to get things back on 
>> track and I'm only now getting back to this.
> I do not remember Debian providing any samba 4.8 packages, but samba 
> 4.8.0 was the version that winbind was first required if 'security = 
> ads' or 'security = domain' was set.
> Rowland
Yes, it looks like it began around the 4.8 era 
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=899269 shows that I 
was able to use this config with 4.7.4+dfsg-2, also it has another 
person reporting the same issue I was. Debian reported that they 
believed that bug was fixed in 4.9 but I'm not sure what I was using 
before my most recent upgrade.

I would guess I was using 4.7.4+dfsg-2 prior to my recent upgrade on the 
basis of that bug report above.

 From 2020-2022 or so because of the pandemic the usage of these 
machines was relatively low and this is the first time where we're doing 
substantial maintenance since start of the pandemic.

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