[Samba] clients not connecting to samba shares

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Wed Apr 12 19:35:05 UTC 2023

On 12/04/2023 20:11, Christian Naumer via samba wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been looking at this thread a while now.
> First I think what Rowland and myself misunderstood is that you are not using a DC as a Fileserver ( in the beginning I thought you did. That you have a sysvol share on a domain member confused me) so I think so e of the comments from Rowland do not apply here.
> Second, if I reread the thread and look at the description of your problem I think it is a permission problem that we have heard a view times over the last view months. Can you confirm that you can not set permissions from windows?
> That might indicate that a directory in the path to the share is not accessible for your user.
> Regards
> Christian

I have given up on this, yes the wiki could be better, but it isn't that 
wrong. Gary seems to have picked disparate parts of the wiki and 
combined them incorrectly.

The last I heard was he was trying to use local Unix users (that is, 
users in /etc/passwd and not in AD) with groups from AD on a domain 
joined machine. This isn't a good idea and isn't required. Trying to 
follow Gary's posts is like trying to wade through treacle, I have now 
noticed that he is using the autorid idmap backend (which I would only 
recommend if you have multiple domains), his smb.conf has a sysvol share 
and he is using posix shares.
To be honest, in my opinion, if he could do it wrong, he has.

I will have a look at the Unix domain part of the wiki and remove the 
autorid from such prominence.


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