[Samba] samba on ubuntu 22 lts breaks after unattended-upgrade

Andrew Bartlett abartlet at samba.org
Wed Apr 5 22:35:02 UTC 2023

Samba strictly requires the matching version of ldb, you have mixed
packages with the Samba security update but not the matching ldb
security update.

I have attempted to re-bundle ldb back into Samba in the past, but was
unable to obtain consensus.  However, Debian (and so Ubuntu) has taken
this task on in a private patch for new versions, which is hopeful.

This doesn't help you however, you need to source your samba from a
single place and apply the whole security update, including ldb and
samba packages at a single time.

Andrew Bartlett

On Thu, 2023-04-06 at 00:05 +0200, Jakob Curdes via samba wrote:
> Hello, this morning we had the unpleasant experience of two DCs
> breaking 
> at the same time, no logins, no DNS resolution, any call to samba 
> binaries fails with an error message similar to :
> libldbsamba.so.0 : ldb_msg_element_is_inaccessible
> (cannot copy&paste as I disabled network access to this server).
> We first thought we had a crashed AD structure. Reverting to a copy
> one 
> of the DCs from 06:00 this morning worked, alls services available,
> then 
> after 30 mins again similar problems (but logins continued to work
> this 
> time). After a lot of trial and failure we could conclude that the
> error 
> happened some time this morning, but as soon as I activate an older
> copy 
> of the server, after some time the same symptoms appear. I then
> started 
> to look at updates, and found that the server had applied 
> unattended-upgrades this morning. After applying these updates, the 
> samba binaries break. It seems to be a security update (see 
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jammy/+source/samba/+bug/2014052
> ). I 
> could not find any further descriptions for this error, so it seems
> to 
> be a specific case. We had used the van Belle repos, then after the
> got 
> "stalled" we switched to the classical U22 samba, maybe there is a 
> reason to find?
> Samba version is 4.15.13-Ubuntu.
> I now disabled unattended-upgrades and the DC is up and running since
> 2 
> hours, which was never achieved since this morning.
> Does this ring a bell with anybody? My current recovery plan is to
> setup 
> a new "DC3" with U22 and join it to the domain, then demote the old
> "DC1".
> Best regards, JC
Andrew Bartlett (he/him)       https://samba.org/~abartlet/
Samba Team Member (since 2001) https://samba.org
Samba Team Lead, Catalyst IT   https://catalyst.net.nz/services/samba

Samba Development and Support, Catalyst.Net Limited

Catalyst.Net Ltd - a Catalyst IT group company - Expert Open Source

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