[Samba] logon script

Rowland Penny rpenny at samba.org
Tue Apr 4 16:54:45 UTC 2023

On 04/04/2023 17:36, Pastor Frank E. Ramírez via samba wrote:
> Apologies for my english, I am not a native speaker.

Never apologise for not speaking English like a native, I am English and 
whilst I haven't got a clue what your native language is, I can assure 
that I do not speak a word of it ;-)

< Well, Samba is an AD
> DC. So, the manpage said that I need to use the LDAP
> attribute scriptPath. But I don't know how?? I tried creating a new user
> with the --script-path option, but it did not work. How can I set this ldap
> attribute??

By the method you seem to have tried, adding '--script-path=SCRIPT_PATH' 
(where SCRIPT_PATH is the full path to the script) to the 'samba-tool 
user create' command should have added the attribute and value to the 
users AD object. Perhaps there was a problem with its formatting, can 
you please post the command you used.


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