[Samba] Samba 4.16 and 4.17 ubuntu focal and jammy packages
Matthias Kühne | Ellerhold AG
matthias.kuehne at ellerhold.de
Fri Oct 28 13:33:06 UTC 2022
Hi Kees,
so we're having different package lists. I'm missing "ldb-tools", which
is not installed on either DCs nor file servers nor domain members.
And you're missing 'libgfapi0', 'libgfrpc0', 'libgfxdr0',
'libglusterfs0' and 'libldap-2.4-2' - which is installed in my servers
because its somehow a dependency of samba.
Im unsure what is correct!
Bye, Matthias.
Am 28.10.22 um 15:03 schrieb Kees van Vloten via samba:
> Hi Matthias,
> My pin file looks like this:
> ...
> Do note that a replaced the refs to Louis' repo with backports without
> having that tested. On the other ahnd with 4.16 half of the files were
> already from backports.
> - Kees
> On 28-10-2022 14:57, Matthias Kühne | Ellerhold AG via samba wrote:
>> Hello MJT and fellows,
>> we're now using the backports repository in debian bullseye for Samba
>> 4.16.
>> Just adding the repo to the apt sources.list doesnt work because by
>> default the priority of testing package is below 500.
>> What we did is to pin the packages to priority 500, The big question is:
>> which packages are needed ?! I'm currently using this list:
>> libgfapi0, libgfrpc0, libgfxdr0, libglusterfs0, libldap-2.4-2, libldb2,
>> libnss-winbind, libpam-winbind, libsmbclient, libtalloc2, libtdb1,
>> libtevent0, libwbclient0, python3-ldb, python3-samba, python3-talloc,
>> python3-tdb, samba*, smbclient, tdb-tools, winbind
>> What I did was "apt install -t bullseye-backports samba" and noted which
>> packages "held back the install" and added it to the list.
>> Is there an easy way to determine which package I'd have to install from
>> bpo for samba?
>> That was easier with louis repo because I could have faith that only
>> necessary packages were in his repo and therefore installed.
>> Thanks and have a nice weekend,
>> Matthias Kühne.
>> Am 28.10.22 um 12:43 schrieb Kees van Vloten via samba:
>>> On 28-10-2022 12:36, Rowland Penny via samba wrote:
>>>> On 28/10/2022 11:20, Kees van Vloten via samba wrote:
>>>>> Because a single repo means a single repo-index with a single Samba
>>>>> version. Any apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade has the risk of
>>>>> going to a different Samba version. I want that for *all* packages
>>>>> except Samba.
>>>>> Of course apt-pinning helps, but it has another risk: a re-install
>>>>> in case of some other issue fails due to pinned version no longer in
>>>>> repo (so the problem of fixing a machine is worsened by having to
>>>>> upgrade it a the same time).
>>>>> The only way I see this working (but maybe I am mistaken) is to have
>>>>> a repo-index per Samba version, i.e. multiple repos, one for each
>>>>> Samba version. That would mean 2 repos: current version (4.17),
>>>>> previous version (4.16), I can flip the sources.list per
>>>>> domain-controller at the moment I want to upgrade that
>>>>> domain-controller.
>>>> There is nothing stopping you setting up a local repo just containing
>>>> the Samba packages.
>>>> Before Michael took over the Debian Samba maintenance, Samba on
>>>> Buster was very much in the doldrums, it seemed to stick at 4.9.5 for
>>>> ever. No doubt it got security patches etc, but it never changed
>>>> version and there wasn't a later version available.
>>>> Bullseye came out with Samba 4.13.x and for a while it looked like
>>>> this was going to be Buster all over again. However, Michael has
>>>> provided 4.16.x packages via backports (something that I am very
>>>> grateful for) and it looks like that eventually the backport packages
>>>> will be replaced by 4.17.x packages.
>>>> Lets be honest, Michael could have stopped there, but he hasn't, he
>>>> is now providing Samba packages for Ubuntu (something that Ubuntu
>>>> doesn't seem capable/want to do).
>>>> I think that everyone should be grateful for everything that Michael
>>>> is doing, one man can only do so much.
>>>> Rowland
>>> I can't agree more, Michael is helping out in a great way.
>>> I do appreciate that very much!
>>> Indeed setting up a private repo and copy the package versions from
>>> backports at the moment I want them is a way to solve my issue. I have
>>> been thinking about that.
>>> The reason I am asking Michael is that he providing the exact solution
>>> to my issue for Ubuntu.
>>> - Kees.
Matthias Kühne
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